There are several types of capital in economics and business. Some contribute directly and are used to produce goods and services. Meanwhile, others contribute indirectly. And, here, we discuss four of them:Physical capitalFinancial capitalHuman
Factors of Production
What is Capital in Economics as a Factor of Production
What's it: In a broad definition, based on, capital refers to wealth owned by individuals or companies and available or contributed for a specific purpose such as starting a company or investing. It can be money or other assets,
What are the rewards for factors of production?
Suppliers of factors of production are rewarded or compensated, which varies depending on what factors they supply. If we add up, we know the compensation as a factor income. If it is calculated for all economic actors in an economy, it is national
Physical Capital: Meaning, Importance, Effects on the Economy
What's it: Physical capital refers to man-made means to aid production. Economists classify it as a factor of production. Examples of physical capital are buildings, vehicles, machinery, and equipment. You can find the components in the fixed
Financial capital
Financial capital refers to economic resources, in terms of money, that individuals, companies, and governments have to finance their needs. Individuals use it, for example, to buy daily necessities. The company uses it to purchase equipment and raw
Land as a Factor of Production in Economics
What's it: In economics, land doesn't just refer to land for agriculture, factories, retail space, or office space. As a factor of production, it also includes various resources contained in it, such as metallic minerals, petroleum, and natural gas.
What is Labor in Economics
What's it: As a factor of production, labor refers to the workers' efforts (physical and mental) used in the production process. It connotes what the individual contributes (services), not refer to the individual himself (workers). So, labor can
Economic Problems: 3 Basic Questions For An Economic System To Answer
What's it: Economic problems arise because we face scarcity. Our resources are limited to satisfy our unlimited wants and needs. Economics has its roots in it and studies how we allocate limited resources to meet our needs and
Production Possibilities Curve: Explanations, Assumptions, Shifting Factors
What's it: A production possibilities curve or production possibilities frontier is an economic model for describing the two goods we can produce efficiently using available resources and technology.Efficiency is important because we are
Factors of Production: Types, Importance, and Reward
What's it: Factors of production are inputs for producing goods and providing services. They consist of land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. The last one, entrepreneurship, combines the other three factors of production. Also called resources