Stocks are a popular investment option for many people. They represent ownership in a company, meaning you're essentially buying a piece of the business. If the company does well, your stock value may increase. However, if the company performs
Common Stock: How it Works, Types, Features, Advantages, and Disadvantages
What's it: Common stock or ordinary stock is a security representing ownership in a company. Therefore, buying it makes us a shareholder. And as long as we hold it, we have the right to earn profits distributed as dividends without
Going Private: Meaning, Reasons, Methods, Benefits
What's it: Going private is when a company's stock is no longer traded for the public. It is the opposite of going public, i.e., a company lists its shares on a stock exchange for trading by the public. And, when it is listed on the stock
Cross-Border Listing: Meaning, Examples, Pros, and Cons
What's it: Cross-border listing is the listing of company shares in a country other than its origin. When a company lists its shares in two different countries, we call it a dual listing. Dual listings create arbitrage opportunities, as the same
Bear Market: Causes, and Investing Strategies
What's it: A bear market refers to a capital market experiencing a period of decline in performance. Bear is a term applied to an investor who is pessimistic about a particular security price prospect. Such a downturn in the market we call
Stock: Types, Risk, Return, Advantages, and Disadvantages
What's it: Stock is the ownership certificates of a company. When you buy stocks of a company, you own the company's shares and are entitled to the assets and income of the company.Stock is also known as share or equity. Specifically, the term
Preferred Stock: Characteristics, Pros and Cons
What's it: Preferred stock (or preferred share) is an equity security that ranks between debt securities and common stock. It usually does not has voting rights but has priority over ordinary shares in receiving dividends and liquidated assets.In